A 6 Point Check List for Re-Designing the Website

Your website doesn't look much attractive, why don't you redesign it?

So one more person has pointed out the lacklustre of your website! For how long will you delay redesigning your website?

Do you know how important redesigning is for your website? Because your website and business are inseparable, your new business goals might not be achieved with an outdated website! If your goal is to get 4000 visits in a month to obtain 40 leads, you may not even reach to 400 visits with an average website. Then where is the real problem and what is the solution? When do you really need a website redesign?

3 If's Asking for Remodeling Website

  • If you have evolved as a brand, you must broke the news on your website!

  • If your website can be called an outdated one, it is high time to turn your visitors into customers by connecting to your visitors.

  • If the bounce rate is three times more than expected, hook them up to relevancy and creativity of your website!


Hold on! In the process of switching to newly redesigned website, don't lose the marketing efforts you invested in the older website. So, before you launch your website live, you have to take care of certain things that might cause a trouble for your website. And, that is why, we have jotted down six things you must check for before you make your redesign website go live:


  1. Website Structure: Make sure your site has a good structure and easy navigation. A bulk of pages are not poorly jumbled up together instead each page has a unique URL labeling and says exactly what it is supposed to.

  2. URL Structure and Mapping: Are all your URLs easy to remember and simplified? The URLs of your old website must be redirected to the URLs of your new website. Once you are done with URL mapping, update the existing XML sitemap of your website.


  3. Website Ranking: You must ensure that old, as well as new keywords, have been fetched into the content, meta titles and descriptions of all pages in your website before you go live.


  4. Google Search Console: Register and verify your redesigned website if everything is at its place. It generates a tentative analysis report of your website which consists all the crawling errors, search performance, URL mapping errors, etc.

  5. Website Layout: The layout of your website must be attractive as well as interactive for your target audience. There should not be any design break, improper placement of icons and buttons, and content in your website. Also, it should be responsive, that is, no design issues should occur when the website is accessed via different platforms such as desktop, mobile phones, etc.


  6. Modernized Content: As said earlier, if your business has evolved as a brand over a period, your website should also evolve. Because the content lies at the heart of your website, edit the existing content as per the new layout of the website, or you can opt for new content.


Before you move on to redesign your website, include these in your checklist! 

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